Victor Bekkers (1963) is Professor of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He holds the chair on the empirical study of public policy and public policy processes. He is also the founding father and first dean of the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities.
Professor Bekkers studied political science and public administration at Nijmegen University where he has got his degree with honors (1987). Furthermore is coordinator of LIPSE, the EU 7th framework program on social innovation in the public sector and he is programme director of the research group Comparative Public Services Innovation (CPSI).
His research interests are related to the introduction and use of information and communication technologies as well as new (social) media in public policy processes and the (social) innovation challenges which emerge in their slipstream.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Hanna Vries, LG Tummers & Victor Bekkers (2019) - The benefits of teleworking in the public sector: Reality or rhetoric? - Review of Public Personnel Administration, 39 (4), 570-593 - doi: 10.1177/0734371X18760124
- R Nagtegaal, LG Tummers, M Noordegraaf & Victor Bekkers (2019) - Nudging healthcare professionals towards evidence-based medicine: A systematic scoping review - Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 2 (2), 1-20 - doi: 10.30636/jbpa.22.71
- Victor Bekkers, Arwin van Buuren, Arthur Edwards & Menno Fenger (2017) - Contested knowledge in Dutch climate change policy - Evidence & Policy (print), 14 (4), 571-587 - doi: 10.1332/174426417X14996732347757 - [link]