After graduation

International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics
Student smiling at the camera

Related master programmes

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Accounting, Auditing and Control

This interactive master that covers all theoretical and practical aspects of collecting, using, and analysing financial data in organisations.
Student smiling with a closed smile

Behavioural Economics

This programme provides you with the skills to optimise strategies and policies by including the framing and context that affect people’s choices.
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

Data Science and Marketing Analytics

This programme focuses on the tools and skills that are needed to analyse Big Data in modern businesses and turn it into meaningful insights.
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

Economics of Markets and Organisations

Markets and organisations have taken center stage in the economy across the world, making their performance of vital importance for our wellbeing.
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

Financial Economics

This programme is for highly motivated students who aim for a career in private equity, corporate finance, banking, or asset management.
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

Health Economics

Specialising in economic developments within the health care sector, this programme is a joint venture with Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM)
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

International Economics

Globalisation, economic development, internationalisation strategies and microeconomics are some of the topics this programme focuses on.
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera


The marketing programme offers a combination of marketing practice and academic marketing insights, based on the latest data analysis tools.
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

Policy Economics

This programme is designed to educate future policy makers in applying the most appropriate theory and empirical methods to solve real-world policy problems.
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

Research Master Business Data Science

A research master aiming to train future PhD students, with a strong focus on data science and at a higher theoretical level than traditional master programmes.
Image of the campus woudestein, showcasing the flags of the School's and Institutes

Research Master in Economics

The Tinbergen Institute research master is a joint degree programme offered by Erasmus University Rotterdam, the University of Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit.
two girls talking and sitting outside

Strategy Economics

This specialisation recognises the constant change in economies, and focuses on how firms and entrepreneurs contribute to and benefit from such change.
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

Urban, Port and Transport Economics

The Urban, Port and Transport Economics programme focuses on how to optimise the key elements of modern society: transport, logistics, and modern cities.
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

Being an Economics and Business Economics graduate from Rotterdam will take you anywhere you want, depending on the specialisation you choose. Our graduates are most commonly found in fields like banking, accountancy, tax consultancy, economic research, or in trade and multinational companies. 

You also find plenty of Rotterdam economists in more generalist positions at academic level such as: stock exchange analysts, entrepreneurs, tax inspectors, politicians, HR managers, sales and marketing managers and scientific journalists.

The question, in short, is where do you see yourself in a few years?

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