Admission requirements MSc Econometrics and Management Science

The application period for master and pre-master programmes for the academic year 2025-2026 opens 1 November 2024. The application period closes on the following dates depending on your nationality:

Application deadline for applicants with an international previous diploma and a non-EEA nationality: 1 April 2025.

Application deadline for applicants with an international previous diploma and an EEA nationality: 1 May 2025.

Relevant bachelor diploma

All applicants must hold a bachelor's degree (BSc) in the field of Econometrics and Operations Research, Economics and Mathematics, Quantitative Economics, Mathematics, Statistics or Industrial Engineering. Your degree has to be equivalent in both level and content to the BSc in Econometrics and Operations Research offered by Erasmus School of Economics. It is not necessary to have completed your bachelor degree at the time of application. However, all requirements of your bachelor degree must be fulfilled before the start of the academic year (by 31 August 2025).

Applicants with a degree in Economics, Business Economics or Business Administration need to have a quantitative specialisation (such as a minor or major in Econometrics, Operations Research or Decision Analysis) in order to apply.

Content of degree

Your bachelor's degree needs to consist of a solid background in advanced mathematics, applied mathematics like operations research and programming, applied statistics, econometrics and time-series analysis. This background must be clear from your university transcript. Econometrics and Management Science involves making quantitative analyses in order to solve problems faced by the government and businesses. 

Level of degree

Erasmus School of Economics follows Dutch governmental institute Nuffic’s advice regarding the comparison of foreign degrees to the Dutch educational level to determine the level of your bachelor's degree.  

In the text below you can get an indication of the required level and content of each course, organized per cluster. Click on each cluster to get an overview of the required courses. Please click on the name of each course to get access to the course guide to obtain detailed information about each course and the required literature.

Courses:Introduction to Analysis (FEB21017X)Analysis (FEB21021X)Vector Calculus (FEB21023X)Matrix Algebra (FEB21019X)Mathematical Methods (FEB21010X)
Credits:24 ECTS
Level:You have to be able to construct, formulate and evaluate mathematical proofs, and work with them.

Book indicative of the level are:

  • Stewart, Calculus; Early Trancedentals; Brooks/Cole
  • Adams & Essex; Calculus: A Complete Course; Pearson
  • Poole; Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction; Thomson, Brooks/Cole
  • Lay; Linear Algebra and its Applications; Pearson

Courses:Introduction to Statistics (FEB21018X)Probability Theory (FEB21005X)Statistics (FEB21007XIntroduction to Multivariate Statistics (FEB22003X)Markov Processes (FEB22008X)
Credits:20 ECTS
Level:You have a thorough understanding (theorems and proofs) of mathematical statistics and probability theory, including multivariate statistics.

Books indicative of the level are:

  • Wackerly, Mendenhall & Scheaffer; Mathematical Statistics with Applications; Thomson Brooks/Cole
  • Bain & Engelhardt; Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics; Duxbury Press
  • Johnson & Wichern; Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis; Pearson
  • Arnold; Mathematical Statistics; Prentice Hall
  • Casella & Berger; Statistical Inference; Thomson Press

Courses:Microeconomics (FEB21020X),  Macroeconomics (FEB21022XFinance (FEB22017X)Marketing Research (FEB13016)Mathematical Economics (FEB22016X)
Credits:32 ECTS
Level:You have to understand the key concepts of (business) economics, and how to study those with econometric techniques.

Books indicative of the level are:

  • Mas-Colell, Whinston & Green; Microeconomic Theory; Oxford University Press
  • Tadelis, Game Theory; An Introduction; Princeton University Press
  • For macroeconomics, finance and marketing, book at an introductory level suffice

Courses:Econometrics 1 (FEB22004X)Econometrics 2 (FEB22005X)Time-Series Analysis (FEB23001X)Advanced Econometrics (FEB23016)
Credits:16 ECTS
Level:You have to be able to derive estimators and tests and their properties using matrix algebra.

Books indicative of the level are:

  • Heij, de Boer, Franses, Kloek & van Dijk; Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics, Oxford University Press.
  • Greene, Econometric Analysis, Prentice Hall
  • Verbeek, A Guide to Modern Econometrics, Wiley
  • Franses, van Dijk & Opschoor; Time Series Models for Business and Economic Forecasting; Cambridge University Press

Courses:Linear Programming (FEB21009X)Combinatorial Optimization (FEB22002X)Nonlinear Optimization (FEB22006X)Simulation(FEB22013X)
Credits:16 ECTS
Level:You have to understand and master different optimization methods and be able to implement them in program languages or software packages. The methods include linear, non-linear and combinatorial problems in deterministic and stochastic environments.

Books indicative of the level are

  • Chvatal; Linear Programming; Freeman
  • Vanderbei; Linear Programming; Springer
  • Wolsey; Integer Programming; Wiley Interscience
  • Papadimitriou and Steiglitz; Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity; Dover Publications
  • Nocedal and Wright; Numerical Optimization; Springer
  • Law; Simulation Modeling and Analysis; McGraw-Hill Education

Courses:Introduction to Programming (FEB21011X)Programming (FEB22012X)
Credits:16 ECTS
Level:You have to be able to program algorithms in procedural languages (Matlab) and in object oriented programming languages (Java).
Books:Click on the link of the course to see the literature list in the course guide

In case your bachelor programme does not cover all the courses mentioned above, the Examination Board will review your application for possible admittance to the Pre-master Econometrics and Management Science.  In order to be reviewed for the Pre-master Econometrics and Management Science you do need to have obtained the equivalent of all three of the following courses:

These courses need to focus on constructing mathematical proofs. Often, these particular courses belong to degree programmes in (Applied) Mathematics and are generally not a part of the curricula of degree programmes in Economics, Business Economics or Business Administration.

Please note: Having passed these required courses does not automatically mean that you are admissible for the Pre-master programme Econometrics and Management Science. Each application is individually reviewed by the Examination Board of Erasmus School of Economics.

Proficiency in the English language

All applicants must show proficiency in the English language and demonstrate this by means of an internet based TOEFL, TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition, Academic IELTS / Academic IELTS Online, Cambridge C1 Advanced (CAE) or Cambridge C2 Proficiency (CPE) test score report, taken no longer than 2 years before application.

Only the following minimum scores are accepted:

 All subscoresTotal score
TOEFL iBT / TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition2291
Academic IELTS / Academic IELTS Online6.56.5
Cambridge C1 Advanced176176
Cambridge C2 Proficiency (CPE)176180

Please click here for more information about the exemption requirements.

Please note:

  • Take into consideration that it takes about 14 days for your test results to be published when planning your English test appointment. Your English test score report needs to meet the minimum requirements before the application deadline that applies to you (see top of this page).  A score report submitted after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
  • We accept TOEFL ‘MyBest Scores’: the combination of your best scores for each test section from all of your valid TOEFL scores in the last 2 years.
  • We accept the combination of your best academic IELTS test scores for each test section from all of your valid academic IELTS scores in the last 2 years.

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