Eline Metske

IBCoM prepared me really well for this master's programme - it really is a great fit!

Research Master Communication Science, University of Amsterdam, NL

Class of 2013 (Graduated in 2016)

What was important in making up your mind?
I want to do research, so the most important aspect for me was the focus on research (which a research master obviously has). I also found it important that the focus would truly be on communication science. That is the reason I didn't think the RM of ESHCC was a good fit; it seemed to focus on arts and culture too, which is just not my thing...

What made you decide to choose for this master?
Well, first of all, the fact that it was a research master and the focus was purely on communication. I found out later that UvA's research institution in of communication is a very good one, so I guess that was the last nudge I needed.

How would you describe the connection between IBCoM and your master?
Well it's communication! All the theories that we focused on throughout the three years are coming back now and I am learning about them in more depth, and also how to apply them in a research setting.

How would you describe your master?
Hard work, but for those who are passionate about communication science and research it's really fun! :D

In hindsight, what would you have liked to know before, what you know now?
I would have liked it if during the Bachelor I would have learned more about what research (at universities) really entails and how to 'grow' in that. Regarding masters and applications specifically I think I had all the information I needed.

Anything you would like to add?
IBCoM prepared me really well for this master's programme - it really is a great fit!

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