Adrian Dubovecky

An opportunity to gain a practical perspective of international economics and trade in today's globalised world.

Adrian Dubovecky

Student International Economics

Why did I choose International Economics?

I chose this Master specialisation because I wanted to expand my analytical skills in the field of international economics and develop a better understanding of the interdependence of countries in today's globalised world.

The curriculum

The programme in International Economics offers a great balance between learning the key theoretical economic models and acquiring a strong econometric skillset to allow you to conduct high quality research. This particular specialisation attracts students from all corners of the world and adds another great learning element to your studies.

The highlight of the course was the Trade and Growth seminar where as a group we took part in an international research project to India and engaged with multinationals and governmental institutions to conduct hands on economic research. Another key to enjoying my Master was the interactive style of teaching. Erasmus School of Economics has professors with expertise in a wide range of economics fields, hence students can engage in practical debates on a daily basis.

Challenging but rewarding

The quantitative and analytical skills I acquired helped me to gain a more profound insight into my interests and inspired me to embark on a technically rigorous career within consulting.

The specialisation is a very challenging but rewarding course and I would not hesitate to recommend it to any prospective students.

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