Jonathan Frisch

I strongly recommend the specialisation in Policy Economics. It strengthens your foundation in economics and provides you with excellent skills to analyse economic policy issues.

Jonathan Frisch

Student Policy Economics

A programme tailored to your preferences 

Throughout my Bachelor studies I got a broad overview of economics. Only in my final year I specialised in policy economics, by choosing it as my major. This was also the time I discovered my passion for economic policy.

After completing my Bachelor degree, I knew that I also wanted to do a specialisation in Policy Economics. One of the great aspects of this programme is that it covers a broad range of policies, while offering diverse electives which allows you to create a programme tailored to your preferences.

Exellent career prospects 

The most interesting part of the specialisation starts with the seminars, as you turn your theoretical knowledge into practice. I especially liked the seminar in Economic Policy, in which we critically reflected on the euro crisis and the policy responses that followed. The seminar is extremely interactive, which also holds for the specialisation in general. Moreover, it offers guest lectures by some of the most prominent policy-makers.

Overall, I strongly recommend the specialisation in Policy Economics. It gives you excellent career prospects and offers you the unique possibility to combine your thesis with an internship at one of the many partner institutes.

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