The Markthal is the best shopping center in the world!

Photo: Daria Scagliola, Stijn Brakkee
Photo: Daria Scagliola, Stijn Brakkee

Beating shopping malls in South Africa and the United States, The Markthal won the international VIVA Best-of-the-Best Award in Las Vegas.


The jury praised the Markthal for its ‘unique shape and colourful interior, complemented by stunning artwork and 3D photographic images’. It isn’t the first prize the largest food market of its kind has ever won, not at all, but real estate developer Provast calls this award by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) ‘the crown of all crowns’.

The VIVA (Vision, Innovation, Value, Achievement) Best-of-the-Best Awards honour the most outstanding examples of shopping centres’ marketing, design and development, sustainability, and community service worldwide. The Markthal won in the category ‘design in development’. For more winners, check this page.


Source: NRC Handelsblad


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