TedX Talk by Irene van Staveren on the Lehman Sisters Hypothesis

TedX Talk by Irene van Staveren on the Lehman Sisters

On 27 October 2016 in Ede.

The TedXEde Talk was on the Lehman Sisters Hypothesis. The talk reviewed the research on behavioural differences between men and women on three key attitudes in finance: risk, morality and leadership.

It also contained the results of new research on this by Irene van Staveren, some of it done with colleagues at Radboud University Nijmegen.

The key message is not that women and men come from different planets but that their behaviour adapts to a hyper-masculine banking culture. More women in banking can only contribute to a transformation of banking culture when there is at the same time a shift towards a more balanced culture, with less agency attitudes and more connecting attitudes.

Meer informatie

Watch the TedX talk.

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