Treaty problems

Peter Kavelaars, Professor of Fiscale Economie at Erasmus School of Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

Many countries conclude agreements, to avoid double taxation and thus maintain a competitive position. Peter Kavelaars, professor of fiscal economics at Erasmus School of Economics, discusses in his column in the Antillean newspaper 'Antilliaans Dagblad' how the Caribbean countries are working on international treaties.

According to Kavelaars, 'in the meanwhile, a good development is visible: The Netherlands appears to take the three Caribbean countries of the Kingdom into account in the conclusion of new treaties, just like they do with the BES; this is the case, for example, with the treaty they have with Ghana.'


If you would like to read the full article in the Antillean newspaper 'Antilliaans Dagblad', 11 November 2017, you can download it below.

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