MOOC: Financing Infrastructure in African Cities

City view of Katutura, Africa
Financing Infrastructure MOOC Logo

IHS’s latest MOOC has been developed in collaboration with African Local Governments Academy (ALGA)United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLG) and Erasmus University Rotterdam and it is part of a series of MOOCs on urban development in African cities. This course will be available on from February 5th.

With the world urbanizing at a rapid rate and cities struggling to keep up with their growing populations many city-dwellers are left without proper access to basic services. Financing Infrastructure in African Cities will equip its participants with the skills to advise governments on the best methods to mobilize finances, which can be invested in new infrastructure and improve the quality of life of their citizens.

The finance experts that will be teaching this course are from Rotterdam School of Management, the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies and Kampala City Capital Authority.  

This 5-week MOOC is will be available for free on Coursera from February 5th. Participants can acquire a certificate for a small fee once the course has been completed.

Meer informatie

More information on the course content and structure can be found here

Photo credit: Kuloser

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