Job search strategies

woensdag 5 jun 2019, 09:30 - 11:30
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In this informative workshop you will get insight in the hidden job market and how to get access to it. You will learn about various strategies and techniques that are important within the job market.

In this informative workshop you will get insight in the hidden job market and how to get access to it. You will learn about various strategies and techniques that are important within the job market. The bottom line is, don’t focus too much on vacancy sites but create and follow your own path! 

The following subjects will be addressed:                                              

• The process how to find a job & the hidden job market
• Effective job search strategies

Note! Please make sure to use the right e-mail address (

Meer informatie

Location: Woudestein
Number of participants: max. 10.
Trainer: Dorianne van Schaijk, Careers advisor
Free of charge
Workshop is open for Dutch speaking EUR students or graduates (<1 yr)

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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