Citizen Science & Engaged Research: Showcase of best practices

woensdag 19 okt 2022, 15:00 - 16:30
Gesproken taal

Q-building, ground floor

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Discussie tijdens Science Hotel
Fred Ernst

In this showcase event, we bring engaged researchers from EUR/ EMC together to share what makes their citizen science - and related engaged - research successful and how to avoid pitfalls. What is citizen science, how does it look like at EUR/ Erasmus MC and how do you start your citizen science research?

Without fundamental research into mRNA, millions of people would not have been vaccinated against corona by now. At the same time, the call for more participation in research by 'citizens' is getting louder. After all, taxpayers can expect science to actively find a solution to its problems, right? But how to start such research and what’s the road to take? What are the opportunities, risks and quick wins? A conversation about best practices and failures, power and autonomy, and the role of laymen and experts.

What are the different ways to do citizen science and what are their pros and cons? How do collaborations with non-professional researchers arise? What are the roles and responsibilities of the different parties, how to secure them and what are the opportunities and risks?


  • Prof.dr. Tine De Moor

    Professor of Social Enterprise and Institutions for Collective Action at RSM and citizen science expert, introduction & moderation

  • Ana Barbosa Mendes

    PhD candidate, ESPhil

  • Dr. Marlies Wijsenbeek

    Pulmonologist Erasmus MC

  • Kayla Green

    YoungXperts Team at ESSB

  • Portrait Trilce Navarrete
    Dr. Trilce Navarrete

    Assistant professor in the economic and historic aspects of digital heritage at ESHCC

  • Portrait picture of Jiska Engelbert
    Dr. Jiska Engelbert

    Centre for BOLD Cities

  • Sabrina Rahmawan-Huizenga

    PhD candidate, ESHPM

  • Dr. Yara Toenders

    YoungXperts Team at ESSB

  • Auma Okwany
    Dr. Auma Okwany

    Associate Professor of Social Policy, ISS, The Hague

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