(Chiara) C de Jong


Chiara de Jong is a post-doc researcher at the Erasmus Movez Lab, a research team with a shared interest in young people, digital media, and wellbeing. She is also the project manager of the Media Movez project, in which she and her colleagues study how to empower children to become or remain digitally resilient. Her research focuses on children’s interaction with digital technology and social media, focusing specifically on children’s resilience in the current digital society. By actively involving children, parents, schools, youth workers and various other stakeholders with an interest in digital resilience of children in her research, she aims to contribute to solutions that empower children to minimize the risks of digital media and technology, while allowing them to benefit from all the opportunities. An important aspect of her work is translating her academic knowledge to society.

Chiara holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Information Sciences and a Research Master’s degree in Language and Communication from Tilburg University (the latter in collaboration with Radboud University Nijmegen). In 2022, she obtained a PhD in Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam with her doctoral thesis entitled “Children and social robots: Towards a better understanding of their acceptance of a new technology”. 

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Researcher | Behavioural Change
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam


3.1 Pos. behavioral change in digital ag

Course Code

News regarding (Chiara) C de Jong

Vraag als ouder ook: 'Hoe was je dag online?'

Onderzoekers Esther Rozendaal en Chiara de Jong spreken op het Leven Lang Leren Festival over de kansen en risico's van de online wereld van kinderen.
Portretfoto van onderzoekers Chiara de Jong en Esther Rozendaal op de campus

Digitale media en het welzijn van jongeren: Het Movez Network wil de volgende generatie in hun kracht zetten

Movez Network zoekt met hun website verbinding met de maatschappij om de volgende generatie te helpen slimme, gezonde en gelukkige media-gebruikers te worden.

Omstanders, ouders en fysieke steun zijn belangrijk om online pesten onder kinderen tegen te gaan

In de talkshow Studio Erasmus vertelt Chiara de Jong over haar onderzoek waarin ze naar de online wereld van kinderen en jongeren vraagt.
Online pesten in het klaslokaal

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