Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Full professor | Work and Organisational Psychology
More information
- Tom L. Junker, Arnold B. Bakker & Daantje Derks (2024) - Toward a theory of team resource mobilization: A systematic review and model of sustained agile team effectiveness - Human Resource Management Review - doi: 10.1016/j.hrmr.2024.101043 - [link]
- Wen Zhang, Bohang Xia, Daantje Derks, Jan Luca Pletzer, Kimberley Breevaart & Xichao Zhang (2024) - Perceived overqualification, counterproductive work behaviors and withdrawal: a moderated mediation model - Journal of Managerial Psychology, 39 (5), 539-554 - doi: 10.1108/jmp-06-2022-0310 - [link]
- Tom L. Junker, Arnold B. Bakker, Daantje Derks & Dylan Molenaar (2023) - Agile work practices: measurement and mechanisms - European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32 (1), 1-22 - doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2022.2096439 - [link]
- Tom L. Junker, Arnold B. Bakker, Marjan J. Gorgievski & Daantje Derks (2022) - Agile work practices and employee proactivity: A multilevel study - Human Relations, 75 (12), 2189-2217 - doi: 10.1177/00187267211030101
- Wen Zhang, Jan Pletzer, Daantje Derks, Kimberley Breevaart & Xichao Zhang (2022) - How to cope with an abusive leader?: Examinations of subordinates’ affective reactions, CWB-O and turnover intentions - Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 29 (4), 389-408 - doi: 10.1177/15480518221097278 - [link]
- Clara Eichberger, Daantje Derks & Hannes Zacher (2022) - A Daily Diary Study on Technology-Assisted Supplemental Work, Unfinished Tasks, and Sleep: The Role of Problem-Solving Pondering - International Journal of Stress Management, 29 (1), 61-74 - doi: 10.1037/str0000237 - [link]
- Tom Junker, Arnold Bakker & DAJA Derks Theunissen (2021) - Well-being in agile teams: The role of work demands and emotional contagion - Academy of Management. Annual Meeting Proceedings, (1) - doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2021.15727abstract
- Clara Eichberger, Daantje Derks & Hannes Zacher (2021) - Technology-assisted supplemental work, psychological detachment, and employee well-being: A daily diary study - German Journal of Human Resource Management, 35 (2), 199-223 - doi: 10.1177/2397002220968188 - [link]
- Daantje Derks, Arnold Bakker & Marjan J. Gorgievski (2021) - Private smartphone use during worktime: A diary study on the unexplored costs of integrating the work and family domains - Computers in Human Behavior, 114 - doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2020.106530 - [link]
- D Du, Arnold Bakker & Daantje Derks - Theunissen (2020) - Capitalization on positive family events and task performance: a perspective from the work-home resources model - Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 25 (5), 357-367 - doi: 10.1037/ocp0000259 - [link]
Daantje Derks @dvies
- Start date approval
- november 2022
- End date approval
- november 2025
- Place
- Description
Daantje Derks @dvies
- Start date approval
- november 2025
- End date approval
- november 2028
- Place
- Description
4.1C Digital Media @ Work
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWP4020P
4.1P Research Practical
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWP4021P