dr. (Maria) M Schiller


Maria Schiller is Associate Professor of Public policy, Migration and Diversity at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her work is motivated by the desire to understand and capture public policymaking on migration and diversity, with a focus on Europe, often comparing across countries and cities. In her research she is interested in the practices and networks involved in governing migration-related diversity and she investigates the role of officials, civil society and private actors therein. Previously, she was a Senior Resarch Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, a Substitute Assistant Professor at the University of Tübingen, a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Kent and a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Vienna. She holds a PhD in Migration Studies (2014) from the University of Kent.

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Associate professor | Policy, Politics and Society
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Maria Schiller, Isabel Awad Cherit, Mark van Ostaijen & Jiska Engelbert (2022) - Societal impact after the hype: Unpacking experiences in diversity and inclusion research
  • Maria Schiller (2022) - Maxime Felder

4.4 Thesis Research

Course Code
  • Maria Schiller, Isabel Awad Cherit, Mark van Ostaijen & Jiska Engelbert (2022) - Societal impact after the hype: Unpacking experiences in diversity and inclusion research
  • Maria Schiller (2022) - Maxime Felder

4.2 Politics of Migration and Diversity

Course Code
  • Maria Schiller, Isabel Awad Cherit, Mark van Ostaijen & Jiska Engelbert (2022) - Societal impact after the hype: Unpacking experiences in diversity and inclusion research
  • Maria Schiller (2022) - Maxime Felder

4.3 Master's thesis/Final Res. Proj. IMP

Course Code
  • Maria Schiller, Isabel Awad Cherit, Mark van Ostaijen & Jiska Engelbert (2022) - Societal impact after the hype: Unpacking experiences in diversity and inclusion research
  • Maria Schiller (2022) - Maxime Felder

4.1C Comparative Public Policy

Course Code
  • Maria Schiller, Isabel Awad Cherit, Mark van Ostaijen & Jiska Engelbert (2022) - Societal impact after the hype: Unpacking experiences in diversity and inclusion research
  • Maria Schiller (2022) - Maxime Felder

4182 Comparative Public Policy

Course Code
  • Maria Schiller, Isabel Awad Cherit, Mark van Ostaijen & Jiska Engelbert (2022) - Societal impact after the hype: Unpacking experiences in diversity and inclusion research
  • Maria Schiller (2022) - Maxime Felder

News regarding dr. (Maria) M Schiller

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Inclusief Rotterdam als voorbeeld voor andere steden

Maria Schiller vertelt over haar onderzoek naar migratie en diversiteit en hoe ze daarvoor inspiratie vindt in de stad Rotterdam én de Erasmus Universiteit.

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People talking in a meeting room

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