Researcher profielen

  • (Amarantha) A Groen, MA

    Amarantha Groen is a Lecturer in the Humanities at Erasmus University College. Groen teaches courses on all levels within the Humanities department at EUC,…
    (Amarantha) A Groen, MA
  • prof.dr. (Patrick) PJF Groenen

    Patrick J.F. Groenen is a professor of statistics at the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE).  He currently is also dean of that school. Professor Groenen's…
    prof.dr. (Patrick) PJF Groenen
  • dr. (Suzanne) SW van de Groep

    Suzanne van de Groep is an assistant professor at the department of Psychology, Education, and Child Studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam and affiliated with…
    dr. (Suzanne) SW van de Groep
  • dr. (Ilse) IH van de Groep, MSc

    Ilse van de Groep is a PhD Candidate in the Erasmus Sync Lab (Rotterdam), Brain and Development Research Center (Leiden University) and the Child and Adolescent…
    dr. (Ilse) IH van de Groep, MSc
  • dr. (Francisca) F Grommé

    Francisca Grommé is an assistant professor in Digitalisation in work and society. She works from a background in science and technology studies (STS), political…
    dr. (Francisca) F Grommé
  • (Lisa-Marlen) LM Gronemeier

    (Lisa-Marlen) LM Gronemeier
  • dr. (Saskia) S de Groot

    Saskia de Groot completed the bachelor programme Health Policy & Management at the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2007. In 2009, she obtained her…
    dr. (Saskia) S de Groot
  • prof.dr. (Bert) EA de Groot

    prof.dr. (Bert) EA de Groot
  • (Eveline) EJA Groot, MA

    Eveline Groot is a PhD candidate at the Department of Philosophy at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research project, titled Reason and the Passions…
    (Eveline) EJA Groot, MA
  • (Kristel) K de Groot, MSc

    Kristel de Groot works at the Erasmus School of Economics, where she uses her background in biological psychology to examine the electrophysiological correlates…
    (Kristel) K de Groot, MSc

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