Health, Work and Care

As governments raise retirement ages in response to population aging, it becomes increasingly important to understand the extent to which ill-health constrains work both directly, through impaired functioning at older ages, and indirectly, through the provision of informal care for relatives. At the same time, compensation for reduced earnings capacity needs to be balanced against work disincentives of disability insurance. And many high-income countries are struggling with the challenge of financing the long-term care needs of rapidly increasing numbers of the oldest old. Our research makes use of linked administrative data sets on the Dutch population to address all of these major issues of public policy related to aging. We are also examining the formation of longevity expectations and their influence on retirement behavior.

Key publications

  • Garcia Gomez, P., Hernandez Quevedo, C., Jimenez Rubio, D. & Oliva, J. (2015). Inequity in long-term care use and unmet need: two sides of the same coin.  Journal of Health Economics, 39, 147-158.

  • Bakx, P.L.H., De Meijer, C.A.M., Schut, F.T. & Van Doorslaer, E.K.A. (2015). Going formal or informal, who cares? The influence of public long-term care insurance. Health Economics, 24(6): 631-43.
  • Garcia-Gomez, P., H. van Kippersluis, O. O'Donnell, E.K.A. van Doorslaer (2013). Long term and spillover effects of health shocks on employment and income, Journal of Human Resources, 2013, 48 (4): 873-906.
  • Garcia-Gomez, P. (2011). Institutions, health shocks and labour outcomes across Europe. Journal of Health Economics, 30: 200-213
  • De Meijer, C., M. Koopmanschap, T. Bago d’Uva and E.K.A Van Doorslaer, Determinants of long-term care spending: ageing, time-to-death or disability? Journal of Health Economics, 2011, 30,  425–438.

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