Personality disorders

Scientific grants
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Prof.dr. C.W. Slotema

Funding for EMDR Europe ‘Trauma-focused EMDR for Personality disorders among Outpatients’


Prof.dr. C.W. Slotema

Grant Foundation for the Support of VCVGZ 'What is the added value of tDCS in BPS with AVH?


Prof.dr. C.W. Slotema

Grant ZonMw Support for Confused Persons, 'Suicide prevention for all ages: good aftercare and referral to care by expanding the Suicide Attempts Aftercare Programme'.


Prof.dr. C.W. Slotema

OOG grant NWO ZonMW (Training Researchers in Mental Health Care); this is a personal grant with the objective of training researchers who form a bridge between research and clinical practice, 'Can fMRI guidance improve the efficacy of repetitive TMS treatment in individuals with verbal auditory hallucinations?


Prof.dr. C.W. Slotema

Subsidy Stichting tot Steun VCVGZ, 'Phenomenology of auditory hallucinations in patients with a personality disorder'.

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