Cancelled - 'Karwan e Mohabbat - Hate lynching and resistance in India'

Monday 4 Dec 2017, 16:30 - 18:00

Aula A, ISS

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Harsh Mander
Harsh Mander

Due to unforseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled.

During this lecture Harsh Mander will discuss Karwan e Mohabbat - a Caravan of Love - which traversed eight Indian states, meeting over fifty families that were targets of hate violence.

About the speaker

Harsh Mander is a scholar activist who works with survivors of mass violence and hunger, homeless persons and street children, and is associated with various causes including issues of communal harmony, tribal, Dalit, disabled persons' rights, and the Right to Information.

The lecture is open to the public.

More information

Full details of the lecture and the speaker can be found in the attached poster.

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