The Chekhov Night | WILDe

Tuesday 11 Dec 2018, 20:00 - 21:30
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The Chekhov Night by WILDe Theatre will be a night full of comedic laughter and appreciation for the Russian author, Anton Chekhov's three short plays:

  • The Bear
  • The Anniversary and
  • The Proposal.

It's the first time in WILDe Theatre history that they will perform three short plays in one night.

Everyone will have the opportunity to witness Chekhov's clever writing unfold in front of their eyes as interpreted by WILDe Theatre's directors. 

More information

Date: Tuesday 11 December
Time: 20.00 hrs
Location: Erasmus Paviljoen

Ticket information
Students: 4,50 euros
Non-students: 8 euros

Organised by WILDe Theatre.

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