First UNIC Superdiversity School: Approaching Higher Education with a Superdiversity Lens

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Wednesday 3 Nov 2021, 09:00 - Friday 5 Nov 2021, 17:00
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The European University of the Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC) is an alliance of eight European universities: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Koç University, Ruhr University Bochum, University College Cork, University of Deusto, University of Liège, University of Oulu, and University of Zagreb. UNIC was established to promote mobility, inclusion and impact. 

UNIC aims to foster a new generation of students who have knowledge and the skills to generate societal impact not only within their own universities and cities but on a European level. Within the scope of the UNIC Superdiversity Academy (WP4), UNIC institutions will organise six three-day UNIC Superdiversity schools, each involving participants from various UNIC universities and will each time be held at a different UNIC university. This first superdiversity school will focus on the main themes of UNIC vis-à-vis different university functions. While doing so, it also aims to expose participants to the outputs of the first year. The very first school will also provide an opportunity to assess the needs and interests for future trainings.

With this very first Superdiversity School, we aim to:

  • Visit and discuss issues of diversity, equity, inclusion and superdiversity in higher education, • Reflect on participants’ and students’ identities and experiences,
  • Reconsider already existing practices with a different lens,
  • Identify and implement learner-centred structures and strategies The trainings will be in English as it is the main working language of UNIC.

Please note that English may be a second/foreign language for most of UNIC members, so we - as an alliance - try to establish and promote an environment that respects this diversity.

Below is a document with the sign-up link for the training!

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