Online Netflix Film Special

Wednesday 27 Jan 2021, 13:30 - 22:30


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Together with ESN-Rotterdam we invite you for our Online Netflix Film Special with after talks on Zoom! Escape for an afternoon and / or evening in the great Netflix films Mank (2020) and Little Women (2019).

After the screening we’ll have a talk about each movie on Zoom (lead by ESN-Rotterdam). Let's hear from you!

The program is as follows: 

Mank (2020)

Mank (2020)

14.00-16.00: Watch at home the Netflix film Mank
16.15- 17.00: After talk on Zoom with all students who watched (lead by ESN)

Mank (2020) - A wonderfully crafted and well-acted ode to a bygone era carried by David Fincher's vision and Gary Oldman's standout performance.


Little Women (2019)

Little Women (2019)

19.30 – 21.30: Watch at home the Netflix film Little Women
21.45 – 22.30: After talk on Zoom with all students who watched the film (lead bij ESN)

Little Women (2019)Not just for women of whatever size. This beautifully acted, thoughtfully directed adaptation of a beloved story about sisterhood is exactly the heartfelt and uplifting modern classic moviegoers need.

More information

Date: Wednesday 27 January
Time: 14:00-22.30 hours 
Location: Online

Organised by Studium Generale and ESN-Rotterdam. 

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