PhD defence C.N. (Chiara) Foccaci

Framing Active Labour Market Policy
Prof. dr. M.G. Faure
Prof. dr. E. Santarelli
Dr. A.M.I.B. Vandenberghe
Dr. F. Fauri
Friday 4 Feb 2022, 10:30 - 12:00
PhD defence
Senate Hall
Erasmus Building
Campus Woudestein
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On 4 Februari 2022, C.N. Foccaci will defend her PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘Framing Active Labour Market Policy’.

Contrary to passive benefits, ALMPs are intended to reskill individuals and require their ‘active’ participation to facilitate reinstatement into the labour market. In this thesis, I investigate how ALMPs do not remain a mere symbolic political message but become something which significantly helps individuals and benefits society. In particular, the thesis tries to raise the understanding of the economic and social e↵ects of the law reflected in: i) the promotion of targeted reforms, ii) the evolution of labour market instruments embraced or disregarded by lawmakers, and iii) the existence of an identity in the labour market which has a social dynamic.

The PhD defences will not take place publicly in the usual way. A live stream link has been provided to candidate. The ceremony will begin exactly at 10:30.

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