PhD defence S.V. (Sara) Díaz-Telenti

Professor Jun Borras
Dr François Gemenne
Thursday 7 Nov 2019, 10:00 - 12:00
PhD defence
Auditorium of the ISS
International Institute of Social Studies
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On Thursday 7 November 2019, S.V. Díaz-Telenti will defend her PhD dissertation, entitled: ‘Geopolitical Ecologies of Environmental Change, Land Grabbing and Migration: comparative perspectives from Senegal and Cambodia’.

The Public Defence will take place on Thursday 7 November 2019 in Aula B. The ceremony will begin promptly at 10.00 hrs in the Auditorium of the ISS, Kortenaerkade 12, The Hague. The doors will be closed after the start of the Public Defence, but will be briefly opened after the candidate’s introduction to allow latecomers to enter.

Children under 7 years old are not allowed in the Aula during the first part of the ceremony.

The ceremony will be followed by a reception in the Atrium of the ISS.

Professors are invited to join the academic procession.

This Public Defence may broadcast on ISS livestream. If so, you will be able to watch the Public Defence live at and later on at the ISS YouTube channel.

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