Giving Students a Head Start into Higher Education | CLI Educational Research Lunch

Sanne van Herpen
Tuesday 12 Nov 2019, 12:00 - 13:00
Education Lab
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Lunch session with speaker talking in front of a poster
Sanne van Herpen

How do students experience the transition into university? What type of support could be effective? Dr. Sanne van Herpen will clarify this during this lunch meeting.

Given that on average students’ level of academic success is lowest in the first year of higher education, it is important to clarify more systematically how students experience the transition into university and what type of support could be effective.

Dr. Sanne van Herpen (Risbo) investigated in her dissertation (2019) the transition from secondary education into university using a qualitative, a quantitative and a quasi-experimental research design. During the meeting, Sanne will elaborate on her research findings and discuss its implications for the educational research and practice within the EUR.

You can sign up for a free ticket in our ticket shop.

More information

The CLI organises an Educational Research Lunch every two months. During these free lunch sessions a researcher will tell you more about their research project. You can find the full schedule on this page.

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