Best of both worlds: one of the best movies of this festival, preluded by a lecture by one of the best lecturers of Erasmus University. Researcher Dr. Yogi Hale Hendlin gives an introduction to the film Little Joe, through the eyes of his academic expertise; plant philosophy and bioethics. His research focuses on major questions in the philosophy of biology and environmental philosophy in relation to public health issues.
About Little Joe
Scientist Alice (Emily Beecham, winner of Best Actress at Cannes) develops new plants for a commercial bio company. She is very proud to have come up with a revolutionary innovation: an eye-catching red indoor plant that gives off a pollen that makes you happy. Breaking all the company rules, she takes home a prototype of the anti-depression plant. She names it after her teenage son: Little Joe.
Little Joe really does make people happier – but what are the side-effects? In this chilling thriller, the people exposed to the plant seem like cold-blooded zombies, who except for happiness feel no emotions at all. Austrian auteur Jessica Hausner uses an oppressive, almost clinical visual style to put across the anaesthetizing effects of this mysterious plant. Her first English-language film is a contemporary answer to Invasion of the Body Snatchers and a sinister reflection on the anti-depressants industry, genetically modified products and experimental bio-medical innovations.
Dr. Yogi Hale Hendlin is assistant professor in theoretical philosophy at Erasmus School of Philosophy, a core faculty member of the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity Initiative and a Research Associate in Environmental Health Initiative at University of California.
Tickets for this Tiger College (from January 17th 2020 onwards) via the website of the IFFR.

- More information
Date: Wednesday 29 January
Time: 19.00 - 21.15 hours Doors open: 18.45 hours
Location: Cinerama 1, Westblaak 18, RotterdamTicket information
Entrance: €12,-
Students: €8,-
Organised by Studium Generale – Erasmus University Rotterdam and International Film Festival Rotterdam