Visual Thinking – Online Masterclass

Monday 22 Mar 2021, 15:30 - 17:00
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Enhance your thinking, collaboration and presenting by drawing!

Everybody can draw! Visual thinking helps you to understand better, helps to structure your thoughts and collaborate faster and with more fun. These professional skills are used more and more in today's business. After this Online Masterclass you understand why visual thinking works, for thinking, for collaboration and presentations. This masterclass will kick start your visual thinking skills. Get your papers and markers ready for action!  

The Masterclass will be given by Flatland, a visual thinking agency, based in Rotterdam. 

More information

Date: Monday 22 March
Time: 15.30 – 17.00
Location (website/platform): ZOOM
Costs: 2,50 euro
Only accessible for students and employees of EUR.

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