News overview

3 results

  • Transitioning towards sustainable investing

    Prof. Dirk Schoenmaker: "We stand on the brink of a great transition at the end of which the societal and environmental impact of corporate projects will takeā€¦
    Professor Dirk Schoenmaker looks into the camera.
  • Jurian Edelenbos obtains research grant from NWO ZonMw

    A multidisciplinary research team, including Jurian Edelenbos from the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, has been awarded a ZonMw COVID-19
    Vrouw met mondkapje
  • Mutations in the mind

    Prior to the corona crisis, philosopher Jos de Mul travelled to Bali, Hong Kong and Sydney. He discovered: the worst viruses are in our heads.
    Netwerk van wegen,

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