dr. (Marieke) MA Hartman


Dr. Marieke Hartman has a Public Health background, with a particular interest in bridging public health research and practice.

Marieke Hartman finished her MSc in Public Health at Maastricht University. Subsequently, she started working as a research assistant in her home town Rotterdam at the Public Health department of Erasmus MC. She carried out her PhD project in Amsterdam on the topic of health promotion (weight-gain prevention) in a multiethnic population. This project was part of the Academic Collaboration for Public Health GGD Amsterdam / AMC-UvA. Such an Academic Collaboration is meant to bridge research, practice and policy. During the final stage of her PhD, Marieke Hartman was invited for a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston. She continued working on bridging research and practice, both by developing training and internet tools to promote evidence-based practice, as well as collaborating on the dissemination and adaptation of evidence-based programs to new populations and settings.

Why do I work at EUC?

After 2,5 years in the USA, I returned to the Netherlands to continue working as a researcher. To be able to apply my passion for teaching also, I started tutoring at EUC in January 2017. Why EUC? Because it’s in my home town and it fits my interdisciplinary background and affection for multicultural environments. Therefore, I am happy that I can fully focus on teaching now, as a lecturer and tutor for the Life Sciences department of EUC.

Erasmus University College

Lecturer | Department of Life Sciences
Nieuwemarkt 1A, Rotterdam


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