Sebastiaan Reddering

Sebastiaan Reddering
IBCoM is a diverse, lively, and above all welcoming programme for people with a broad range of interests and openness towards different cultures and nationalities.

Sebastiaan Reddering

IBCoM Student

Roughly one year ago, I had to make a tough decision. Notably, I needed to decide what study programme I wanted to pursue after graduating from high school. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that the IBCoM programme would fit me and I can gladly say that this ended up being true.

International environment

I truly believe that the IBCoM programme is a fruitful experience that I chose for the following reasons. To begin with, I made the conscious decision to study IBCoM due to the fact that it is an international programme. This means that you will interact in a dynamic environment with people from all over the world, which will broaden your horizon since you will learn about the numerous cultures that exist all over the world. Moreover, being in an international environment is useful because of today’s increasingly globalised world. Due to the fact that IBCoM is an international programme, all the lectures, tutorials, and literature will be in English. Although this scared me beforehand, I can easily say that this fear was unnecessary since it did not take me long to get used to speaking English all day.

Diversity within the courses

Secondly, I decided to study IBCoM because of its diversity. By this I am referring to the variety that lies within the courses of the entire programme. While studying IBCoM, you’ll come across courses related to politics and journalism, sociology, business, and the entertainment industry. To me, this was attractive since I initially did not precisely know what I wanted to pursue after university. Due to the variety of courses I have had in the first year, I now am much more sure about what interests me.

Vibrant and characteristically diverse city

What’s even more appealing to studying IBCoM is the fact that you’ll be studying in one of the most vibrant and characteristically diverse cities in the Netherlands, namely, Rotterdam. I have experienced Rotterdam as a great city because of its diversity. No matter what interests you, in Rotterdam there’s a place for everyone’s interests and likings. On top of that, Rotterdam is excellent for students since there are many student associations, and also, many clubs and bars that host evenings dedicated particularly to students.

In sum, IBCoM is a diverse, lively, and above all welcoming programme for people with a broad range of interests and openness towards different cultures and nationalities. On top of that, Rotterdam is a beautiful city, within which everyone will find their own place.

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