Verena Prechsl

Verena Prechsl
The important thing is not to panic and to have faith in your own abilities and the teachers: if you got in the master, you are able to pass it.

Verena Prechsl

Alumna Master Media, Culture & Society

Why did you choose the Master Media, Culture and Society? Was it a conscious choice for a specific career path? What other factors contributed to your decision?
I chose the Master Media, Culture and Society because it was a perfect addition to my Bachelor in Sociology and my strong interest in media. I read amazing things about the master and the Dutch teaching system and I wanted to add a more specialized education to my bachelor.

The fact that the master takes only one year while entailing the material of two years was just the cherry on the top, as I knew I'd gain a very intense education in the field of media culture. It was a very conscious choice for my career dreams, yes. I always wanted to become an editor. I wanted to learn as much as I could about the field of media and to conduct my own research on my special interest (fashion media) in order to really understand the sector.

Do you have any tips or recommendations for current students?
In the beginning it seems to be a huge workload. The important thing is not to panic and to have faith in your own abilities and the teachers: if you got in the master, you are able to pass it. The whole academic year is so perfectly organized, that it is more than possible to get everything done by the time it should be. So just breathe and go step by step.

How long did it take you to find a job after graduation?
It took me two months to get a traineeship. But in the meantime I was working already as a freelancer, so actually I was working right after I handed in my thesis.

How did you experience the job hunt and job application process?
I found it challenging, but manageable. Of course I was getting nervous and anxious to find a job as fast as possible, because I didn't want to depend on my parents anymore. But I had a quite high success rate with my applications: I was often invited to interviews and within the short period of two months I found a perfect match for me.

Were you well-prepared when you started your first job? Why/why not?
I started a traineeship, so it implies that I'm still being trained a lot. I had to learn a lot just by doing it. There are many practical things that are simply not taught in university, and that's okay. However I felt quite prepared with my degree and my specialized education.

For which organization or company do you currently work, and what is your position in the company or organization?
I am working at Mode Media GmbH in Munich, Germany. It is an international company with its headquarter in San Francisco. I am trainee editor.

What are your most prominent tasks?
I write and edit articles (for three websites), curated content from our network of blogs, I take pictures and edit them, but also I'm responsible for all our social network channels like Facebook, Instagram, Lookbook, Twitter, Pinterest. We just started the production of video content, so I'm part of that too, as well as communicating with PR agencies for different projects. 

Which components of your Master are useful in your current position or career trajectory?
Due to my thesis, I'm very familiar with the international blogosphere, which is a huge part of my job. Another point is that I'm super organized and can work under time pressure – two things that I've learned in my master as well. I just feel like I have a lot of knowledge that contributes to me feeling at home in this field. 

Is there anything you would like to add?
I enjoyed my master at Erasmus University very much and can only recommend the university to anyone who is serious about a certain field, especially when it comes to Media Studies. 

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