Media, Culture & Society

Huidige maatschappijen begrijpen vanuit een mediaperspectief
MCS student on campus

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Ben je geïnteresseerd in de steeds veranderende mediaomgeving? En ben je nieuwsgierig, misschien wel bezorgd of juist hoopvol over de rol van de media in culturele en politieke transformaties? Dan is de masterspecialisatie Media, Culture & Society de juiste opleiding voor jou. Tijdens dit masterprogramma onderzoek je op welke manieren media worden gevormd door ons persoonlijke en sociale leven en welke effect ze daarop hebben.

Belangrijkste Feiten & Cijfers

1 jaar
Studiepunten (EC)
Aanmelddeadline (EEA)
15 mei
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Het studieprogramma in het kort

Media, Culture & Society is een van de vijf masterspecialisaties van Media Studies. Deze specialisatie biedt jou belangrijke inzichten en vaardigheden om de complexe en veranderende rol van de media in ons persoonlijke, politieke en culturele leven te onderzoeken en te begrijpen. In de verschillende vakken besteden we veel aandacht aan representatie van de media en aan processen van productie, distributie en ontvangst van gevestigde en opkomende media. We nemen de digitalisering van vandaag serieus, zijn er kritisch op en houden daarbij rekening met bredere historische fenomenen en specifieke sociaal-culturele contexten.

Waarom deze studie

“Het is eigenlijk een sociologisch perspectief op hoe media in ons dagelijks leven werken.”

Media, Culture & Society student Sohum sitting by the Erasmus Paviljoen studying.

Media, Culture & Society by Sohum

Dit ga je leren

  • Verwerf expertise over belangrijke ontwikkelingen in de mediawereld en de bredere maatschappelijke oorzaken en gevolgen daarvan.
  • Je doet de nieuwste kennis op over processen van mediaproductie, -distributie en -receptie.
  • Leer hoe deze processen en hun implicaties systematisch te onderzoeken.
  • Analyseer complexe sociale en culturele verschijnselen die verband houden met de snel veranderende mediaomgeving.
  • Train je academische vaardigheden zoals kritisch lezen, presenteren, debatteren, schrijven en het uitvoeren van empirisch onderzoek.
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Carrièremogelijkheden na je studie

Afgestudeerden van Media, Culture & Society zijn goed geïnformeerde en maatschappelijk betrokken professionals met uitstekende vooruitzichten op de arbeidsmarkt. Veel van onze afgestudeerden vervullen management-, marketing- en pr-functies in de media- en communicatiesector, de creatieve industrie of de kunstwereld. Sommigen werken als redacteur, journalist of producent in verschillende media. Anderen zijn beleidsmaker of consultant bij overheden en NGO's, of volgen een academische carrière.

Bekijk jouw toekomst

Wat vinden onze studenten?

Maddalena Filetti

Maddalena Filetti - Alumna Master Media, Culture & Society

Media, Culture & Society is everything I have hoped for: a solid, yet flexible dive into the complex workings of the media from a socio-cultural perspective.
Portrait picture of Maddalena Filetti
Media, Culture & Society is everything I have hoped for: a solid, yet flexible dive into the complex workings of the media from a socio-cultural perspective.

After my bachelor’s graduation, I spent a year working in social media marketing and web editing for a company operating in the beauty industry. As my days in the office went by, I knew we needed to make some structural changes in our language and representation practices. Our communication strategies and materials were far from inclusive and diverse, and I constantly felt the urge to turn things around.

However, although I have always been passionate about intersectional feminism and inclusion, I didn’t feel like I had the tools to implement such changes in my work at the time. That’s why I applied to the master specialisation Media, Culture & Society at Erasmus University, and I can happily say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Research my own interests

Media, Culture & Society is everything I have hoped for: a solid, yet flexible dive into the complex workings of the media from a socio-cultural perspective. The most exciting aspect of the master specialisation is the opportunity to explore my own research interests within the structure of my studies. Every assignment, paper and essay I write allows me to use the knowledge co-produced in class with my peers and professors and apply it to real-life cases of my interest. In addition, the master specialisation is small-scale and easy to navigate as an international student. The professors speak excellent English, and the classroom is always an interesting and respectful site of intercultural exchanges. 

Favourite courses

My favourite courses so far are Media & Socio-Cultural Change, Digital Media & Cultural Identities and Television Audiences. These courses allowed me to understand how media can generate change in society, participate in better representational practices, challenge discriminatory narratives, and ultimately create more inclusive and fairer (digital) environments for everyone.

Minor difficulties

Throughout my studies at Erasmus University, I have encountered minor difficulties in getting acquainted with the research methodologies, typical of Media Studies. I had never applied any qualitative or quantitative research methods in my previous studies. Therefore, the contents of the Methods courses were new and foreign to me. However, the tutorials and professors were always very helpful, and I never felt overwhelmed by the assignments.

In addition, Media, Culture & Society is very fast paced and requires students to be on top of their deadlines at all times. That’s why time management and a good dose of organization are key to academic and personal achievements.

Future plans

My future plans (hopefully) include a PhD and a career as corporate communications director, expert in matters of diversity and inclusion.

Portrait picture of Maddalena Filetti

Sohum Joshi

Sohum Joshi - Alumni Master Media, Culture & Society

I believe calling Erasmus University as my alumnus university can only hold good things for me in the future!
Portrait picture of Sohum Joshi
I believe calling Erasmus University as my alumnus university can only hold good things for me in the future!

Having done my Bachelor’s in Media Studies in my hometown of Pune, India, I always dreamed of pursuing my further education abroad. And so far, Erasmus University Rotterdam has exceeded all of my expectations.

Specifically talking about the master specialisation Media, Culture & Society, I love the holistic approach this master specialisation takes by providing students with a good theoretical foundation while giving relevant practical tools necessary for our future professional careers. This combined with the dynamic, multicultural and international-friendly environment on campus has only made my experience better and really memorable thus far.

I look forward to starting my career path in the field of media using all the knowledge I will have obtained from Media, Culture & Society and applying it in the real world. I believe calling Erasmus University as my alumnus university can only hold good things for me in the future!

Portrait picture of Sohum Joshi

Andrea Gudmundsdottir

Andrea Gudmundsdottir - Alumna Master Media, Culture & Society

My positive experience with the faculty, as well as the research orientation and the international aspect of the program were all important factors in my decision. Having graduated from IBCoM, these decision factors needed no second thoughts.
My positive experience with the faculty, as well as the research orientation and the international aspect of the program were all important factors in my decision. Having graduated from IBCoM, these decision factors needed no second thoughts.

What was important in making up your mind?
Due my positive experience with IBCoM, I decided to pursue a Master program within the same faculty. Although my focus areas in IBCoM leaned towards another Master program, I reviewed the broad range of courses that I had taken during IBCoM and realized that my strengths and interests were more aligned with the Master in Media, Culture & Society. In my case, reading the course descriptions for this master program was very helpful because I got a better idea of what to expect in terms of content, which confirmed my interest in the program. 

What made you decide to choose for this master?
Accreditation of the program and the university, my positive experience with the faculty, as well as the research orientation and the international aspect of the program were all important factors in my decision. Having graduated from IBCoM, these decision factors needed no second thoughts. Instead, what was difficult for me in the decision-making process was to be sure that I was making the “right” decision (I emphasize the word “right” because there is no right or wrong decisions). Being an overthinker, I tried to predict my future career and include that as a factor in my decision. However, as it turns out, it can be hard to include that in your decision if you are uncertain about your future career plans. Therefore, my decision ultimately came down to listening to my strengths and interests. It might sound cliché but I realized that the only way for me to excel in my future career would be to build it on a master program that I’m passionate about. It was as simple as that; I just did not see it as clearly at the time.

How would you describe the connection between IBCoM and your master?
While there is a strong connection between IBCoM and Media, Culture and Society, the knowledge that you acquire during the master is more advanced. While you ‘dip your toes’ into many different aspects in IBCoM, you delve deeper into selective aspects in this master. What you learn in the Media, Culture & Society program is thus certainly not a repetition of what you learn in IBCoM!  

How would you describe your master?

  • Intense but doable. You should expect a busy year, but it’s all worth it in the end. 
  • Focused yet broad, meaning that you have the freedom to tailor the program to your interests within the realm of Media, Culture & Society. I was positively surprised to experience the different interests of my classmates, which was reflected in the diverse master thesis topics.
  • Hands-on approach to the studies. More often than not, the students take the central role in this master through class discussions, presentations, debates etc.

In hindsight, what would you have liked to have known before, what you know now?
In hindsight, what I would have liked to realize more before, especially if you are graduating from IBCoM and you think that you know exactly what to expect: The Master in Media, Culture & Society is not the same as IBCoM or other Bachelor programs. It is on the next level and the expectations are in line with that (like it should be, of course). In my experience, your studies automatically become more of a priority in your master compared to before. This might seem evident, but many of us did not realize it beforehand. I guess you only know what I mean after experiencing it first-hand.

Any other points you’d like to add?
Studying and living in an international environment is, in my experience, one of the greatest ways of learning and developing as a person. The teaching approach in this master program, namely to explore the course subjects through discussions with students from many different backgrounds, takes great advantage of that. Consequently, you develop a more culturally sensitive and reflective attitude towards your studies, and surprisingly towards yourself.

More information about the Master can be found here:


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