Iris Segers

Iris Segers
I would have liked to know how much work it really was.

Iris Segers

Alumnus Research Master in Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts, Erasmus University, 2013

What was important in making up your mind?
First, I really did not want to start working after a one-year Master, so I was aiming for a two-year programme, which are mostly Research Master programmes. As I did several research projects in my Bachelor's programme, I found out that I quite like research, and I wanted to expand my knowledge.

What made you decide to choose for this master?
First, this Research Master provided an opportunity to learn more about methods. I wanted to know more about research, not necessarily because I aim for an academic career, also because I would love to become an investigative journalist. I figured that learning to think analytically about research problems could help me. Second, this Master allows me to go on exchange again, something I really wanted to do. I love to travel and live in different places, and this Master thus provides me with the opportunity to see what the academic environment is like at another university. As I am thinking of doing a PhD, this is the perfect opportunity to make connections and to check whether I would feel at home at another university abroad.

How would you describe the connection between IBCoM and your master?
I have come to realize that I am quite well-trained when it comes to statistics. However, as I am now doing a Sociology Master, I notice that I lack some background knowledge here and there.

How would you describe your master?
Hard work, mostly. I was lucky enough to be able to complete the IBCoM programme Cum Laude with relative ease, also working on the side and having fun. But this really is something entirely different. Especially the first term was hell, and I have never worked this hard in my life. Still, I love it, as it challenges me and allows for a lot of personal input and freedom.

In hindsight, what would you have liked to have known before, what you know now?
I would have liked to know how much work it really was. Halfway through the first term, I really had a little breakdown because of all the work for my Master, next to side-activities that took me some time to give up. I have learned to deal with the pressure by now, and started to work again. But I think that's the most important thing: I underestimated the workload.

More information about the Master can be found here.

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