Shadi Sharif Azadeh receives INFORMS Early Career Award

Shadi Sharif Azadeh, assistant professor at Erasmus School of Economics, received the Early Career Award from The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). 

The INFORMS Early Career Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the theory or practice of Operations Research/Management Sciences, made by academics who are at the start of their career. The award is meant for exceptional researchers who have shown promise early in their academic career. Scholars who are pre-tenue and within 8 years of receiving their PhD were eligible. This award was presented at the INFORMS annual meeting in Houston, on 22nd of October 2017.

Besides this impressive achievement, Dr Sharif Azadeh also just won a NWO TKI Dinalog Physical Internet Travel Grant for her application on ‘Integrated Urban Mobility and City Logistics in Physical Internet’. The aim of this grant is to stimulate contacts between Dutch researchers and researchers of the Georgia Institute of Technology in order to facilitate knowledge exchange and development in the area of the Physical Internet and Interconnected Logistics. This grant enables Dr Sharif Azadeh to further develop her research and network at this institute.

Shadi Sharif Azadeh is an assistant professor at the Econometrics department of Erasmus School of Economics. She also holds research affiliate positions at EPFL (TRANSP-OR lab) and at MIT (ITS Lab). She obtained her PhD in Mathematics (Operations Research) in Montreal. Her research interests are mostly focused on choice based optimization in revenue management and pricing in the context of mobility, transportation and logistics.

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