ISS and Dutch Foreign Ministry 'mix and mingle'

Participants and the mix and mingle event
Participants and the mix and mingle event

The ISS PhD-community hosted earlier today the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the 3rd ISS-MFA Mix & Mingle Initiative.

This panel discussion featured Development and Economic Diplomacy: Current Realities and Future Trends as discussion topic. 

The ISS-MFA Mix and Mingle Initiative offers ISS PhD researchers and young professionals from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs a platform to share knowledge and to strengthen their institutional networks by addressing development themes of mutual interests based on relevant research, policy and best practices.


Dr Selwyn Moons Deputy Director for Sustainable Development, MFA and Irene Visser, Managing Director of the Netherlands-African Business Council joined the panel as invited guest speakers.

ISS PhD researchers were Cape Kasahara, Renata Cavalcanti Muniz and Johan Spamer as facilitator.

Linda Johnson, executive secretary of ISS, welcomed and introduced the guest speakers.

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