Update course evaluation

Update course evaluation

The course evaluation has recently been updated and will be used from block 1 onwards. The aim of the updated course evaluation is to provide more insight into why certain elements of a course are evaluated positively or negatively and what can be done to further improve the course.

The current course evaluation has been in use for quite some years now and there have been various complaints about it. Although it provides important insights, it does not evaluate the course on all relevant dimensions.

The updated course evaluation has been developed by programme management in consultation with our education experts Bas van Goozen and Pleuni de Kock and the programme committees. We critically evaluated all questions, kept the questions in that we found useful, removed the ones that we considered less useful, and added new questions. The new questions mostly come from the UvA Q (validated evaluation system of the University of Amsterdam).  Some of the new questions in the evaluation concern the amount students learned, the skills they developed, and the extent to which education was activating. At the suggestion of one of the programme committees, the question “The instructor makes you enthusiastic for the subject” has been replaced by “The instructor motivated me to study the subject.”

The updated course evaluation can be downloaded here (pdf).

The audit panel wants to speak with different people, therefore each faculty has to provide a list of participants for these meetings. Based on this list, panels will be assembled after selection of participants by the deans and the Executive Board. A list of participants representing Erasmus School of Economics already has been provided.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen