What is the role of civil society in shaping labour standards?

Peter Knorringa
Peter Knorringa

Professor Peter Knorringa speaker at final Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures conference.

The conference marked the end of a comparative study on Brazil, China and India which focussed on how firms, civil society organizations and the state intersect with, shape and challenge global labour standards.

Peter Knorringa was particularly involved in the research on how civil society can help shape the labour standards within the rising powers. He argues that their role is important but not always recognised. He further highlights the importance of the work of local NGOs which are embedded in and understand the local context.

About Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures

The Rising Powers and Interdependent Futures project aimed to explore ongoing changes within the Rising Powers as well as their impact on other countries. It looked at the implications of Rising Powers on processes of global governance to address current economic, social and environmental challenges.


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