What are Mexico's social resistances to coloniality?

Rosalba Icaza 2022
Rosalba Icaza

Rosalba Icaza part of Latin American Council of Social Sciences research working group

The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO) has granted to the International Research Consortium Bodies, Territories and Resistances the status of 'Working Group' for the period 2017-2019.

The Consortium will conduct research on contemporary forms of modern/colonial/hetero-patriarchal dispossession and placed-based forms of social resistance.

The research will be conducted in Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador), the Caribbean (Haiti and Cuba), South America (Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina) and North America (Mexico).

As a member of the Consortium, Rosalba Icaza will contribute with her expertise on Mexico's social resistances to coloniality.


CLACSO’s Working Groups (WG) are interdisciplinary networks of researchers from different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean which gather around a topic or social problem relevant to the region.

The WGs work to produce rigorous and relevant comparative knowledge, and seek to achieve an effective relationship among researchers, policymakers and social organizations. 

The WGs are organized based on the results of public contests in which proposals for the creation of WGs, in conjunction with work plans, are presented. These proposals are then evaluated by international judges.

Meer informatie

The CLACSO website is available in both English and Spanish.

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