'Impact of Post-conflict Development Intervention on Maternal Health Care Utilization'

Muhammad Badiuzzaman
Muhammad Badiuzzaman

ISS PhD researcher Muhammad Badiuzzaman to present paper at Network of European Peace Scientists conference

Muhammad Badiuzzaman will present his paper at the 16th Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science conference being held on 20-22 June 2016 Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan, Italy.

His paper evaluates the effectiveness of a post-conflict development programme on maternal health-care utilization in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. It varies from conventional impact evaluation studies because of the inclusion of two post-conflict risks: the household’s actual experience of violence, and subjective perceptions about violence, as key determinants of programme effectiveness.

The study shows that the post-conflict development programme is successful in improving maternal health-care utilization. Despite this, forced settlement by outsiders, household experiences of conflict, and perceptions of insecurity lower maternal health-care utilization.

He suggests that the effectiveness of the programme would have been greater in the absence of conflict, although the programme may have mitigated some experiences of past conflict. The intervention fails to significantly narrow the inter-ethnic gap in terms of health-care utilization, chiefly attributable to the adverse effects of the forced settlement of non-indigenous peoples in the region.

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