'What difference can the Netherlands make in the world?'

Professor Jayati Ghosh with ISS rector Inge Hutter and Rolph van der Hoeven
Professor Jayati Ghosh with ISS rector Inge Hutter and Rolph van der Hoeven

On Tuesday, 31 May 2016, ISS and Partos organized a working conference for development specialists and political parties in the run-up to the Dutch parliamentary elections in the Netherlands in 2017.

The idea behind the conference is to provide food for thought and inspiration to those involved in preparing the party manifestos.

The keynote speech was given by Professor Jayati Ghosh, Professor of economics at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, in New Delhi, India, who spoke on the economic, social and environmental trends with respect to development issues.

The afternoon session continued in Dutch, with discussions between Dutch political party representatives, ISS staff and students, professionals working in international development and sustainability and members of knowledge centres.

The aim of these discussions was to produce workable and relevant policy advice.

Photos taken during the keynote lecture and discussions.


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