Professor Wil Hout appointed Research Associate at Murdoch University's Asia Research Centre

Wil Hout

The Asia Research Centre at Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, has appointed ISS professor Wil Hout as one of its Research Associates. The appointment was made in light of Professor Hout's research activities with fellows at the Asia Research Centre over the past decade.

The most recent collaborative research project was the AusAID funded 'Achieving Sustainable Demand for Governance: Addressing Political Dimensions of Change'. The project, which was led by Richard Robison (former Professor of Political Economy at ISS and Emeritus Professor at Murdoch University), resulted in the publication of the book Political Economy and the Aid Industry in Asia, written by Jane Hutchison, Wil Hout, Caroline Hughes and Richard Robison, and published by Palgrave Macmillan (2014).

About the Asia Research Centre

The Asia Research Centre conducts research and conducts analysis of conflicts at the national, sub-national, regional and international levels. These include: political and economic regimes; environmental and natural resources; ethnic, religious and national identities; cultural and media systems; and the security of states, communities and individuals.

The Centre’s objectives are to: produce high quality academic research publications for international and domestic audiences; foster the development of high quality research graduates; and to contribute to public policy debate and public understanding on issues concerning contemporary Asia.

Meer informatie

For more information about the Research Associates, go to the Murdoch University web page

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