Vardit Landsman appointed Endowed Professor Business Economics

Vardit Landsman, Endowded Professor of Business Economics at Erasmus School of Economics
Erasmus School of Economics

As of 1 January 2018, Dr Vardit Landsman has been appointed Endowed Professor of Business Economics at Erasmus School of Economics through the Erasmus Trustfonds. Within the broad field of Business Economics her research focuses on quantitative marketing strategy. She concentrates on the implementation of new modeling approaches to the study of marketing phenomena, including consumer choice, choice processes within new markets, marketing strategy in multi-sided markets and the study of marketing questions in the context of life sciences.

Vardit Landsman first joined Erasmus School of Economics in November 2006 as a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Business Economics. She became an assistant professor in 2008 and an associate professor in 2016. She is in charge of the Innovation in Marketing course (Bachelor Minor) and Development and Marketing New Products seminar (Master Program). Her research agenda over the next few years will include the investigation of several strategic marketing questions such as post M&A marketing, and marketing in multi-sided markets.

Over the last five years Vardit Landsman has focused on several research projects. She studies choice biases in consumer choice among 3-part tariff plans. She is also involved in the study of end of patent marketing strategies for pharmaceutical drugs, and marketing in the context of employee layoffs. This has led to publications in top peer reviewed economics and marketing journals, as well as to the publication of book chapters in the field of marketing. Several of her research projects are at the moment under review for publication in top marketing journals. She also received several peer reviewed research grants from institutions such as the ISF, and GIF.

About Vardit Landsman

Vardit Landsman has a PhD in Marketing, an MSc with honors in Operations and Decision Research, and a bachelor degree in Economics and Management, from Tel Aviv University. She is a member of ERIM, and a senior lecturer in the Coller School of Business at Tel Aviv University. Before receiving her PhD degree, Vardit served as head of Research and Database Marketing Team of a large Israeli bank (Bank Hapoalim).

Meer informatie

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Communications Officer at Erasmus School of Economics, at, or on +31 6 53 641 846.

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