Our team (ELS)

Cover photo - Erasmus Language Sharing - 2019

Team ELS
Erasmus Language Sharing is a student-run organization, which means that all members are fulltime students as well! The team consists out of three enthusiastic students, who take the role of either Educational Officer, Secretary/Treasurer, or Marketing Officer. One of these team members also takes the lead in the role of President. Together, they ensure that the organization runs smoothly, students can sign up for classes, and coaches are recruited and guided in hosting their classes.

If you have questions or feedback for the team, or you’d just like to get to know us better, feel free to reach out to us. Check out our contact page to see how to best get in touch.

Our coaches are also an important part of ELS. Every trimester, we have approximately thirty language coaches. Each language coach takes charge of his or her classes and is the direct contact person for our students.

ELS is part of the Language & Training Centre, works closely with Erasmus University and the associations EUCSA, ESN, and AIESEC. Overall, ELS is a multicultural platform where students can exchange, learn and share different languages and cultures.   

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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