
  • International Business Law

    Master in International Trade Law: This LL.M. covers the legal aspects of international trade and commerce. Read more about this study programme.
  • International Economics

    Master in International Economics: The International Economics programme presents you with a wide range of topical global economic issues: Read more.
  • International Full-time MBA

    Post-master in International Full-time MBA: A key goal of this programme is to deliver a behavioural transformation in participants.
  • International Management / CEMS

    Master in International Management: International education in management skills, international internships and experience of real business projects.
  • International Master’s in Advanced Research in Criminology (IMARC)

    IMARC is an interdisciplinary programme that is developed to prepare you for current demands in the field of border-crossing, security and social justice.
  • International Public Management and Public Policy

    Dit masterprogramma richt zich op het toenemende internationale karakter van publiek management en publiek beleid.
  • Klinische Kinder- en Jeugdpsychologie

    Master in Klinische Kinder- en Jeugdpsychologie: In deze master leer je over psychopathologie bij kinderen en adolescenten.
  • Klinische Psychologie

    Master in Klinische Psychologie: In de master ligt de nadruk op complexe vormen van psychopathologie en staat de wetenschappelijke benadering centraal.
  • Management of Innovation

    Master in Management of Innovation: This programme focuses on what you need to do to generate good ideas and turn them into a commercial success.
  • Management van HR en verandering

    Master in Management van HR en verandering: Leer alles over HR en verandermanagement in publieke organisaties.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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