dr. (Christiaan) C Heij


Christiaan Heij is assistant professor in statistics and econometrics at the Econometric Institute. His research and lecturing activities are focused on econometrics and on statistical research methods in economics and business. Some of his more recent research activities are in macroeconimic forecasting, prediction and planning of surgical procedure times, survey effects in opinion polls, and maritime safety. He is chairman of the educational board ("Opleidingscommissie") for econometrics and operations research.

Erasmus School of Economics

Assistant professor | Econometrics

More information


  • Christiaan Heij & Henk Volberda (2016) - How does co-creation with customers contribute to a firm's disruptive innovation performance? The moderating role of customer market power


Course Code

  • Thai Young Kim

    Data-driven Warehouse Management in Global Supply Chains
  • Xishu Li

    Dynamic Decision Making under Supply Chain Competition

News regarding dr. (Christiaan) C Heij

Meer dan 150.000 ingeschreven studenten voor MOOC Econometrie

Wederom een nieuw record voor de meest succesvolle open access onlinecursus van Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
Unveiling of number of enrolled learners by teachers Philip Hans Franses and Christiaan Heij

Coronavirus pandemie geeft een boost aan MOOC's

Een van de effecten van de pandemie begin 2020 is dat online lesgeven een impuls krijgt in vrijwel alle disciplines.

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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