Researcher profielen

634 resultaten

  • (Björn) BT Atterstam

    Björn is an educator, facilitator and leadership expert. For more than 20 years he has worked with large organizations across the world to create novel and…
    (Björn) BT Atterstam
  • dr. (Zeynep) Z Aydın Gokgoz, PhD

    dr. (Zeynep) Z Aydın Gokgoz, PhD
  • dr. (Marc) MG Baaij

    Marc Baaij is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He designs and teaches courses in various…
    dr. (Marc) MG Baaij
  • dr. (Katharina) K Badenhausen

    dr. (Katharina) K Badenhausen
  • dr. (Yan) Y Bai

    dr. (Yan) Y Bai
  • dr. (Rene) RM Bakker

    I am an Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University, Field Editor for one of the top…
    dr. (Rene) RM Bakker
  • drs. (Sylvia) S Bannier - Strik

    drs. (Sylvia) S Bannier - Strik
  • dr. (Thomas) TJF Bauwens

    Dr. Thomas Bauwens is an Assistant Professor researching collective action for sustainability at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Thomas…
    dr. (Thomas) TJF Bauwens
  • dr. (Michael) M Becker-Peth

    Michael Becker-Peth is an Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. His research…
    dr. (Michael) M Becker-Peth
  • dr. (Mirko) MH Benischke

    Mirko Benischke (click here for an up-to-date CV) is an Associate Professor of Global Strategy in the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship…
    dr. (Mirko) MH Benischke

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