Researcher profielen

101 resultaten

  • prof.dr. (Yuk) Y Hui

    Yuk Hui is Professor of Philosophy at Erasmus University Rotterdam, where he holds the Chair of Human Conditions. Hui studied computer engineering at the…
    prof.dr. (Yuk) Y Hui
  • prof.dr. (Marli) M Huijer

    **Marli Huijer is full professor of public philosophy at Erasmus School of Philosophy. ** Huijer studied Philosophy and Medicine (University of…
    prof.dr. (Marli) M Huijer
  • (Sonia) S de Jager, MA

    (Sonia) S de Jager, MA
  • (Nicolien) NS Janssens, MA

    (Nicolien) NS Janssens, MA
  • prof.dr. (Stine) S Jensen

    prof.dr. (Stine) S Jensen
  • (Kazuya) K Kasamatsu

    (Kazuya) K Kasamatsu
  • (Jamie) J van der Klaauw, MA

    (Jamie) J van der Klaauw, MA
  • dr. (Julien) JP Kloeg

    Dr. J.P. (Julien) Kloeg is assistant professor of social philosophy at the Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil). His research interests are the intersections…
    dr. (Julien) JP Kloeg
  • drs. (Ruby) R Knipscheer, MA

    drs. (Ruby) R Knipscheer, MA
  • (Catherine) CR Koekoek, MSC MA

    Catherine Koekoek is a PhD researcher at Erasmus School of Philosophy. Alongside finishing her PhD, she is also a curator for the 2024 International…
    (Catherine) CR Koekoek, MSC MA

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