
Campus V H M buildings

We offer a broad range of courses. From academic courses that focus on specific topics (from Business Management to International Health Policy) to language courses and lectures. There's always an interesting course for you at Erasmus University Rotterdam!

Overview courses

22 results

  • MOOC When disaster meets conflict

    Free MOOC on Disaster Risk Reduction and humanitarian aid in conflict settings. It explores the choices and dilemmas faced by actors in conflict settings.
  • Strategic Communication

    Explore the domain of strategic leaders at organisations’ corporate level to get the board talking about key concepts such as positioning, the advantage of…

Language & Training Centre

Spanish 2024


Study at home - follow one of our MOOCs!

Massive Open Online Courses - student studying - writing

Deep Dives

An Academic Writing selfstudy

Language & Training Centre - Cover Photo (2017)

Start investing in your learning

Woman stands in front of the Rotterdam Central station.

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