CLI Educational Research Lunch | It takes two: the role of co-regulation in building students’ self-regulated learning skills

Students working in the Education Lab
Thursday 23 Sep 2021, 12:00 - 13:00
Education Lab
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Léonie Ridderstap

Léonie Ridderstap is a Learning & Innovation Consultant at the ESHCC and an educational researcher. As CLI Fellow, Léonie researches the role of co-regulation in building students’ self-regulated learning skills.

Effective study behaviours are crucial to academic success but in order to become a self-regulated learner, students need support, both in the classroom and during self-study. The purpose of this research project is to investigate how students’ study behaviour can be supported. The current project investigates whether co-regulation - by offering several sources of support in the learning environment - encourages students to become self-regulated learners. Findings contribute to lecturer professionalisation activities and the development of design principles for the effective instructional support of self-regulated learning.

This talk is meant for lecturers, students, researchers and other EUR employees.

The Community for Learning & Innovation (CLI) organises an Educational Research Lunch every two months. During these free lunch sessions a researcher will tell you more about their research project.

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