Open Badges & Microcredentialing

Thursday 21 Feb 2019, 11:00 - 13:00
Spoken Language
Education Lab
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Last year, the RSM Learning Innovation Team conducted a proof-of-concept (PoC) project together with SURFnet in order to trial the feasibility of issuing open badges in higher education. After a successful conclusion of the PoC, the pilot phase of the project has recently started.

During this interactive session, Marijn van den Doel will explain the concept of open badges, the lesson’s learned from the initial PoC phase and how RSM will continue with the project during the pilot phase. In addition, the concept of microcredentialing will be explained, followed by a discussion on what steps would be required in order to move towards a microcredentialing situation. Finally, details on how you can join the SURF Open Badge project will also be provided.

This session is meant for anyone who wants to know more about microcredentialing. Whether you're a student, a lecturer or support staff, feel free to join the discussion!

You can sign up by sending an email to Lunch will be provided, so make sure to mention any dietary restriction!

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